[Dit is de tekst van de email aan de Europese Commissie. De mail wordt in het Engels verstuurd aan Commissievoorzitter Ursula von der Leyen en in CC naar de Eurocommissarissen van Gezondheid en Dierenwelzijn, OlivƩr VƔrhelyi, en van Landbouw en Voeding, Christophe Hansen.]
Subject: End the Cage Age for all farmed animals
Dear President of the European Commission,
I am writing to call on the European Commission to urgently bring about the proposals to end the use of cages in farming for all species confined in these cruel conditions.
A legislative proposal to end caged farming was due to be introduced by 2023, following a commitment to the 1.4 million EU citizens who supported the End the Cage Age European Citizensā Initiative. However, the EU has failed to deliver this.
With every year that passes, millions of sentient beings are having to endure these cruel conditions, that prevent them carrying out their natural behaviours and cause injuries. Please take action to deliver these proposals as a priority and explicitly include them in the Commissionās work programme.
I copy in the commissioners for Agriculture & Food and Health & Animal Welfare.
Kind regards,